The King’s Warriors Soccer Club is excited to announce the beginning of the Youth Development League for this spring on Tuesday, March 29. Practices will be held every Tuesday at Hilldale Community Park near Talcott, and continue till May 17. Practices will begin at 5:30 PM, and run for 1-1 ½ hours, depending on age level.
Game days will be Sunday afternoons, usually between 2:30 PM and 4 PM, so as not to interfere with church services; April 3, 10, 24; May 1, 15, and 22;. No games on Easter, Mother’s Day, or Memorial Day weekend.
You may sign up at the field on practice days, or print & fill out the form online by clicking here. Registration fee is $25/child. Checks may be made out to The Nehemiah Group, Inc., or simply TNG. Format: Our young soccer players play FUNino (“Fun-ēēn-yō”), or “mini-soccer.” This uses a smaller field with 3 players to a team. The fields have TWO goals on each end, providing lots of opportunities for shooting and scoring goals.
Age Divisions: We will have 3 age divisions: 1) Kindergarten-1st grade; 2) 2nd-4th grade; 3) 5th grade and up. (Division placement is flexible based on players’ strengths and parents’ wishes.) Older kids are invited to try out for the varsity King’s Warriors. So bring your friends to play soccer beginning Tuesday, March 29!
For more information: 1.) Follow our website at swvkingswarriors.org, as well as our Facebook page
@wvkingswarriorssoccerclub. 2.) You can also contact us with any questions by clicking here.
Practice Cancellations: Note: Practices are never cancelled. We do always allow for parents' discretion though.