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King's Warriors Youth Development League Spring Soccer

Welcome to King's Warriors spring soccer! We know you're being bombarded by a lot of information about the Corona Virus, and many of you have legitimate concerns. If your child is sick, or you are concerned they may get sick, by all means, KEEP THEM HOME! Make sure you all practice good hygiene - frequent hand washing, cover your mouth with your elbow if you cough or sneeze, etc. Get plenty of rest, eat well, and stay hydrated, but don't share drinks. Viruses are very susceptible to fresh air and sunlight, and we think playing outside will facilitate that!

We'll be doing things a little differently this season as we introduce "minisoccer" - 3 v 3 players, 2 goals to shoot at on each end, 3 10-minute periods/game. Talk to coaches if you need more explanations. Better yet, volunteer to help the coaches! We need your help! Get out there and play with the kids!

Practices will be every Tuesday beginning at 5:30 PM. Games will begin Sunday afternoon, April 5.

Check our website frequently for news and updates as well as our Facebook page @wvkingswarriorssoccerclub. You can also contact us by clicking here.


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